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Address : Padmashree Institute of Clinical Research
Padmashree Campus,
# 149,Kommaghatta village,Sulikere post,
Kengeri,Bangalore – 560 060
Padmashree Campus,
# 149,Kommaghatta village,Sulikere post,
Kengeri,Bangalore – 560 060
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Affiliated to:
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

Recognized by:
Government of Karnataka
Clinical Research is a systematic study to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medications or medical devices by monitoring their effects on large groups of people. Clinical research has become a multi-billion and multidisciplinary industry. A number of factors favour India as a clinical research hub.
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- Padmashree Institute of Clinical Research Padmashree Campus, # 149, Kommaghatta Village, Sulikere Post, Kengeri, Bangalore – 560 060
- 9901866766